Monday, June 16, 2014

Evangeline Harmon

Dear Evangeline,

Your birth was amazing. Your mother found my information in the internet and contacted me about being her doula for your birth. During the consultation, we figured out that I knew her dad - your Grandpa! It was a wonderful connection, and I think that fact made your mother decide to hire me!  She and your father and I talked and planned together over the following months. She also asked me to take maternity photos and that was a wonderful experience for me.
Your mother was doing wonderfully with her contractions. She was having some irregular labor patterns called "camel-back" or "piggy-back" which means that the contractions were coming in pairs; the second one started before the first had really finished. It made for hard work for the both of us. But she was strong and stayed relaxed and positive.
On June 15th, your mother started having some more regular contractions. We talked on the phone that evening and I told her to try and get some rest while she had the chance. She ended up calling me at about midnight and I got to your parents home at about 12:30 a.m.

She got in the tub and that helped for a while and then we moved back to different positions on the couch. By this time the contractions were getting a lot more intense and yet were still coming in the "piggy-back" pattern. She was still working through them really well, but I was concerned that the labor wasn't evening out because often irregular labor isn't as effective. At one point she had three contractions in a row which meant that she was contracting hard for nearly six and a half minutes!
We were  both exhausted and I decided to call the midwife, Katie, and ask her opinion. She advised us to start heading toward the hospital because she really couldn't diagnose the situation over the phone. So we woke your Daddy up and he got the car loaded.

We got to the hospital a little after  4 a.m. and your mom got checked into the triage. However, when they checked her she was only dilated 3 cm, 75% effaced and still in -2 position. In other words, not very progressed. It was disheartening for us all. Once the midwife came in and examined her she realized something was abnormal. As they transferred us to the delivery room your mother was literally writhing in pain - which is very unusual for being so early in her progression. Katie turned to me and said, "I think the epidural might be a good option."

They gave your mother some narcotic to ease the pain as they waited for the anesthesiologist. The epidural was finally placed at 5 a.m. I had stepped out into the hallway during this and came back when Katie came in. For some reason Katie decided to check your mother again and it was a good thing. "Oh!" Katie said, "you're a 5, oh there goes your water, now you're a 6!" That was at 5:20. And then started a flurry of activity!

When the water broke there was a lot of blood and meconium. These were further signs of something being worrisome. Katie called the NICU team to come and prepare for the birth and suddenly there were a lot of people in the room. Along with the NICU people there are several additional nurses there and everyone was very busy. Your mom was dazed and confused at the bustle and kept asking why all these people where in here. At 5:28, 8 minutes later, your mother had dilated to an 8!

Labor was progressing so quickly now that Katie would turn and put on one sleeve of her gown then turn back and help your mom and then turn and put a glove on and then turn back to your was amazing how she handled the situation. She was decisive and quick but still cheerful as she conducted the organized chaos around us. I was standing on one side holding your moms hand and trying to keep her focused, your Daddy was holding her other hand.

As Katie directed your mom to start pushing I could tell we were very close to needing an emergency C-section and I heard a couple of nurses say something about having the O.R. prepped.  Katie told your mom that she had to push you out "now." And your mother responded wonderfully! You were born at 5:43 a.m. Katie immediately handed you off to the NICU team. A few minutes later, once they had cleared out your lungs and felt your were stabilized, they handed you to your mother to hold for a minute before they took you up to the NICU. It was sweet and all too short.

It seemed like only moments later that the room was emptied and your parents and I were left alone. It was very surreal. Katie came back in to sat at the foot of the bed to discuss things with us. She explained that the placenta had started to detach from the uterine wall prematurely and that had caused the extreme pain during labor and the unhelpful piggy back contractions. This is called placental abruption.  Your mother's body recognized that something was wrong and was doing everything it could to get you out quickly. Once the water broke the detachment was nearly complete which explained the sudden and sever bleeding. Without placental support, you were without oxygen. That is why Katie directed your mother to push you out so quickly.

Katie told your mom that she had honestly saved your life. She also assured us that this was an unusual thing and that there was almost no chance of it happening to your mother again. She said that you probably wouldn't have to stay in the NICU for too long because you were already doing better. Your Daddy said your mom was "the boss!" He was so proud of how she managed this hard and scary labor.

Little Evy, your daddy and Katie were right! Because your parents and those attending your birth were smart and strong, your birth was a very special experience. And that makes you a very special person. I hope and pray that you will remember that and always try to surround yourself with wonderful people. I am so honored that I was a part of your amazing birth!

Best Wishes,

Estee Ragsdale

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Ava Rose Galloway

Dear Ava Rose,

Your birth was one of happiness and I was so blessed to be a part of it! Being the first girl after four boys was one reason for this special joy, but your mother also wanted a beautiful natural birth experience. She spent months preparing mentally and physically. She exercised regularly to stay strong for you and she educated herself with the Hypnobirthing Method to stay peaceful for you. 

Your parents and I were in the same ward at church and met several times to talk and plan and prepare. I called to check in with your mother on June 6th to wish her a ""Happy Due Day!" She had been having some contraction that day and later that evening she said that "we would have a baby by morning." I encouraged her to get some rest if she could and keep me posted. She called at 2:15 am and said, "It's time for you to be here!" We worked together for a couple hours and the contractions were steadily increasing in length and frequency. Your mother was totally at peace though. She barely made a sound! When a contraction came she just closed her eyes and listened to the Hypnobirthing CD, breathing calmly - it was beautiful to watch. I was rubbing her back and giving counter pressure and encouragement.  At about 4:14 am she came out of the bathroom after a potty break and said calmly, "It time to go." You daddy got the stuff in the car and we waved goodbye to your grandparents who were in the living room.

We parked the car at 4:45 am and started making out way into the hospital. Every time a contraction came your mom would turn to me and I would wrap my arms around her and hold her up. This was kinda fun because I was pregnant at the same time so we were belly to belly, working through each contraction together . Labor was getting much more intense at this point.  Your mom kept saying things like, "Oh, Estee, she's coming! She's coming right now!" I even got a little worried that we wouldn't make it to the room in time! We even took a wrong turn getting to the maternity wing. We made it eventually and they (thankfully) put us straight into a delivery room.

There comes a point in labor for every women when they hit some sort of wall and think they can't do it anymore. This means that they are very close to the end. You're mother was working very hard and in between these last few contractions she turned towards your Daddy and said, "Nate, I'm sorry, I made a bad choice...I can't do this, I changed my mind...I'm so sorry Nate!" We cheerfully told her that she was doing it and she was doing it wonderfully! We experimented with a few different positions, but we found that the most comfortable one for your Mother was with me sitting behind her on the bed with my arms wrapped around her, leaning back and  holding her up.

We breathed and pushed through together and you came into this world 5:37 am. The Midwife, Katie, put you immediately up on your mothers chest and you let everyone know you were here with your tiny girly voice!  

Your mothers started crying and saying, "I'm just so happy!" over and over. It was a beautiful moment. As things settled down I asked your mother, "Ok Ann, would you like me to move out from behind you so you can lay back now?" And she replied, "Actually, Estee, I am just really comfortable here in your arms!" So that's how we stayed! After a while the baby in my tummy started kicking against your moms back, haha!

Ava, your birth was so joyful! We all felt it and your mother expressed her happiness repeatedly as soon as you came out. I got a delicious dose of happiness by being a part of your birth and I pray that this special joy will continue to be with you as you grow.

Estee Ragsdale

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Claire Ipson

Dear Claire,

Your birth was beautiful and strong, just like your mother. She had asked me many months before to be a part of the birth and I was thrilled! I always love being invited to first births because I get to experience the new glow with the new parents, it’s wonderful. As the expected date drew near, your parents and I met several times and talked and planned and prepared every needful thing. They had just moved into a new home and they were both working hard (especially your handy daddy) to have everything ready for your arrival. 

The day before your due date was a Sunday. Your mommy texted me that morning and said that she had been having regular contractions since very early in the morning. She was able to talk and move and do things during the contractions though, so when she asked when we should head to the hospital I assured her it was early labor and that we still had plenty of time. She decided to go to church anyway which helped distract her. And when she came home she made cookies! I spoke with her again that evening and she sounded way too chipper for a woman in labor! The contractions had been consistent throughout the day and were getting stronger and longer. 

At this point she had to stop and breathe through. I came over at about 8 that evening and found your mother bouncing and around on the birth ball with a big smile on her face! We all ate cookies and played games in between the contractions, it was a lot of fun! And we all worked together through each contraction to help bring you down. Your mother was doing wonderfully at staying peaceful during each wave, she would respond instantly as I coached her and massaged her to keep her loose. It was impressive. At about 10 or 10:30 pm, she started to lose her mucus plug and I explained to how she could check her own dilation. From her measurements, we guessed that she was around a 5! I was so excited! After that her body seemed to kick into a higher gear, the contractions were getting consistently longer and staying about 3-4 mins apart. And your mother finally started making some labor sounds! That clued me in to how close we were and I suggested we start moving toward the hospital within the next 30 mins. Your daddy said, “Lets wait until 11p.m. then let go.” This was a little longer than my suggestion but I was happy to stay and he seemed to be having a good time too! 

Once we were ready to leave, things were getting more intense and we drove to the hospital with your mom kneeling backwards over the passenger seat. I tried to encourage your daddy to run red lights and stuff – not because we were in danger of having the baby in the car or anything, but because when else do you have this kind of excuse!? But he couldn’t do it! Once we got there he dropped us off at the emergency room entrance and your daddy went to park the car. When we got in there, the nurse was trying to put your mom through triage. I tried to explain that they had already registered for the birth and that she was in active labor and needed to go to the maternity wing quickly. It wasn’t until she saw your mother have a contraction that she agreed with me! You mom would stand and I would hold her up and rock back and forth during each wave, and when the triage nurse saw us she said, “I’m just going to take you straight up. But you just have to tell them that you requested this because they don’t like it when we do this!” “That would be wonderful” I said, and I assured her that we would take care of it. 

Once we got your mom settled into the room, the midwife checked your mother’s progress. She was nearly 10 cm dilated and only had a little lip of the cervix left! As your mother learned to work with each pushing contraction you began to immerge slowly into this world. It was a beautiful thing to see! In between the contractions the midwife would stretch your mother’s pelvic muscles to help you come down. She said that your mother was so strong and physically fit that those muscles were really tight which slowed your descent. During this intense time, I could see the tension building in your mom’s face and body. I would massage her and remind her to relax and she immediately complied – it was amazing! The nurses commented, “Wow, she’s really obedient!” The midwife encouraged your daddy to help “catch” you and he was so excited! As soon as you slipped out into his waiting hands I could see how much he loved you. He was weeping with joy as he handed you up to your waiting mother. The three of you were just glowing with happiness. 

Claire, your birth was so special, and I am so grateful that I got to be a part of it. Your parents worked and prepared for you, they were so excited to welcome you into their family. The love and care I witnessed was sweet. May our Heavenly Father continue to bless you and your parents as you grow. 

Best Wishes,
Estee Ragsdale

Friday, November 4, 2011

Brynlee Lynn Graham

Dear First Niece,

As your aunt and your mothers doula, your birth was extra special for me. It was a wonderful time of fun and family togetherness. As my "payment" your parents paid to fly me out from Texas, and Nanna Graham came along too to help me take care of my little William who was three months old. We got there a few days before your expected date of arrival and had a grand time with all of us together! Aunt Kayla, Nanna, and I slept together on some borrowed pads on the floor in the soon-to-be nursery and what laughs we had! We even showered together to conserve the precious hot water! During the daytime we walked everywhere we could to encourage you to come soon. In the evenings we played games and watched movies and talked about your arrival. We planned and discussed and prepared every needful thing. We were all so excited! Your birth time was surrounded by love and fun and family.

The day before your due date, your mother had a doctor’s appointment. The doctor said that she was not ready to have the baby yet but her body was preparing. He estimated you would stay put for a few more days. Your mother, Nanna and I had other ideas! We picked up some natural labor inducing things on our way home and your mom did several treatments that night. At about 4 am the next morning your mom crept into our bedroom and told us that today was the day!

We labored at home for a few more hours and your mother was doing beautifully. Your grandma Sommers came too and she was a wonderful emotional support. Your mom spent lot of time kneeling or standing over the bed while we massaged her back and brushed her hair. At about 8 am your parents decided that they wanted to be at the hospital so we packed up and drove the few minutes over to the little Rexburg labor and delivery unit. The labor was progressing steadily and we still had a ways to go, but we were blessed to have a wonderful nurse named Lael. Between her sassy cheerfulness and your mother’s funny labor talk we had some good laughs.

Your mom was very conversational during labor, which is rare and tremendously endearing. She would give herself pep-talks, "My contractions are gonna hurt, and I'm gonna be okay." Or she would bargain with her belly as a contraction started, "dang, it hurts! No no no! I don't want it!" And then dear Lael said, "Are you fighting with your uterus?" "Yes," your mom replied, "it's not being very nice!" At one point your dad was laying in the little bed behind your mom to support her back, and he accidentally pushed the paging button with his bum. When Lael came in he explained and apologized for calling her. She just brushed it off saying, "Did you butt-dial me?"

Finally it was time for your mother to push you out! Your Grandma Sommers held your mom’s hand, your dad held one leg, and I held pressure on your mom’s back as she gave it all she had to finally bring you into this world to join our family. This was a very tender moment. Several family members were waiting out in the hall for your imminent arrival. But when your Grandpa Sommers heard your mom bearing down he snuck back in- closely followed by the others- and they all squished in behind the curtain. As you made your way out, your daddy and I held hands across your mother’s body and cried together as we felt your spirit pass from our Heavenly Father into the room. You let out your first cry and there were stifled sobbing cheers from the peanut gallery behind the curtain.

Brynlee, I have never seen such a beautiful newborn as you! You were glowing and pink and soft. After the initial crying you settled down to just gaze at everything and everyone around you with your big almond shaped eyes. Of course we were all smitten! I want to reiterate the feeling surrounding your birth. Your family was all around; we loved each other and were eagerly looking forward to loving you. Heavenly Father loves you very much too; I felt His love for you and for your wonderful parents. Your birth was a beautiful, sacred and joyful experience and I feel so blessed that I was a part of it!

All my love,
Aunt Estee